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Terms and Conditions

1.General Rights 

1.1 The Participant accepts the binding conditions of the Turkey Mobile Photo Awards (TMPA, hereinafter referred to as the "Competition"), which consist of five clauses.

1.2 FF Creative Space Medya ve Tasarım Limited Company (Üsküdar V.D - Vergi No: 3851912750) has undertaken the organization of the Turkey Mobile Photo Awards (TMPA) and its team manages all processes (hereinafter referred to as the “Administrator").

1.3 As a result of the competition, the Grand Prize winner, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners in each category, and honorable mention recipients earn the right to be exhibited.

1.4 The Competition is not open to the following individuals involved in the competition organization: members of the advisory board, jury members, and employees of the Administrator, as well as their immediate family members.

1.5 Competition applications are accepted electronically through 'Picter' on the website.

1.6 The Parties are not authorized to transfer the rights and responsibilities mentioned in this agreement and arising from this agreement to third parties, whether natural or legal persons


2. Submission Fees

2.1 The competition application participation fee varies according to whether the participant is national (in Turkey) or international (outside Turkey).

2.2 The participant selects any of the photo upload credits determined by the Administrator and uploads as many photos as the chosen photo upload credit allows or less.

2.3 The participant can participate in the Competition with as many photos as desired.

2.4 The submission fees are as follows: 40 Turkish Lira (TRY) for participation with 1 photo, 60 TRY for 2 photos, 80 TRY for 3 photos, 120 TRY for 6 photos, and 180 TRY for 12 photos.

2.5 After the participant makes the payment, no refunds can be requested. The Administrator and the Competition are not responsible for any damaged or lost applications.

2.6 The Administrator reserves the right to change the submission fees during the competition process when deemed necessary and appropriate.

3. Participation Terms and Application Criteria

3.1 All applications for the competition are made electronically and directly through the website via the TMPA partner ‘Picter.'

3.2 Applications are open to photographers worldwide who use smartphones. The photos must be taken with any smartphone or tablet. Participants are required to specify the brand and model of the phone/tablet with which they took the photos they want to upload during the application. Participants found not to have participated in the Competition with any smartphone or tablet will be disqualified.

3.3 Photos cannot be altered and uploaded in desktop image processing applications. Photo applications that can be downloaded from smartphone app stores (excluding image processing programs) can be used.

3.4 Photos must be in their original dimensions. They should not be smaller than 1000 pixels in height or width.

3.5 There is no limitation on the number of photos that participants can submit, regardless of the category.

3.6 Winning participants are required to present the originals of their work in accordance with the procedure after the competition's conclusion. All EXIF data must be preserved in the submitted files. If EXIF data is altered, corrupted, or marked as incomplete, the photo will be disqualified from the Competition.

3.7 Participants can submit photos that have won awards in other competitions or photos presented in ongoing competitions, regardless of the category.

3.8 There is no limitation regarding the time or date when the photos were taken.

3.9 All entries must be the original work of the participant and must not violate the rights of any third party. The participant must hold the sole copyright to all photos submitted and must have obtained the consent of the individuals featured in the entries (or the consent of the parents/guardians for children under 16 years of age). The Competition and the Administrator cannot be held responsible for any disputes related to privacy and data protection concerning individuals depicted in the Images. All responsibilities in this regard lie with the participant.

3.10 Applications to the Competition and/or all questions and communications regarding these terms should be made solely through the address

3.11 Participants who apply to the Competition acknowledge that their participation will not grant them any intellectual property rights within the scope of the Competition. Participants commit not to use any name, logo, or other intellectual property elements related to the Competition without the prior written permission of the Administrator.

3.12 The Administrator accepts that it is the participant's responsibility to ensure that they have read these terms at the time of application. Participation in the Competition implies the clear acceptance of the current terms and conditions.

3.13 The Administrator reserves the right to disqualify any participant at any stage and for any reason. These reasons may include intellectual property theft, failure to adhere to etiquette rules, malicious use, misrepresentation, and non-compliance with valid rules and regulations, among others, but are not limited to these.

3.14 Participants disqualified from the Competition do not have the right to receive any award or compensation, nor can an offer be made.

3.15 The decision of the Administrator is final on all matters related to the Competition, and no negotiation will be entered into with any participant or related party.

3.16 The Administrator reserves the right to waive any rule violation when deemed appropriate and necessary.

3.17 All participants, by participating in the Competition, agree not to harm the reputation and commercial identity of the Administrator and to maintain the highest standards of behavior on all matters related to the competition. Behaviors displayed during the Competition may lead to the disqualification of the participant, a lifelong ban, and, depending on the severity of the violation, legal action, if it has the potential to harm the reputation and commercial identity of the Administrator, other applicants, partners, consultants, charities, supporters, sponsors, and all relevant parties.

3.18 Applications that cannot be verified or deemed unacceptable may be excluded from the Competition at any time by the Administrator.

3.19 Participants are required to provide their personal information and all other necessary information to distinguish participants and communicate with them when participating in the Competition. TMPA uses Picter to manage the application process. Personal data is stored for the duration of the account, in accordance with privacy statements.

3.20 When registering on the TMPA website for purposes such as joining the TMPA community or newsletter, TMPA requests the submission of personal information. TMPA newsletter subscriptions can be withdrawn at any time by clicking the 'unsubscribe' link in emails. TMPA does not keep personal data longer than necessary for the data collection purposes mentioned above, except in cases where there is any legal requirement to store personal data for a longer period.

3.21 In the Artificial Intelligence category, the participant will generate the photo taken with a smartphone or tablet using any artificial intelligence program. Participants are obliged to present and prove the originals of the works they have created with artificial intelligence programs if requested by the Administrator. Participants can use any artificial intelligence application in the Artificial Intelligence category. TMPA is not responsible for copyright disputes that may arise from the violation of the rights of third parties in the process of creating the databases and training artificial intelligence. It is the participant's responsibility to ensure compliance with the terms of use of artificial intelligence programs.


4. Copyrights & Usage Rights

4.1 All submissions made to the competition are the ownership and responsibility of the applicants. If the submitted images violate the copyright and ownership rights of third parties, all submissions of the applicant will become invalid. In case of any infringement or copyright violation leading to financial penalties, the Administrator will not be held responsible for this application.

4.2 Copyrights belong to the applicant.

4.3 Copyright owners shall be identified with their names on all platforms where they present the works they submitted in the application.

4.4 Any photograph used by the Competition will carry the photographer's credit information. By participating in the Competition, participants commit to granting the Administrator a non-exclusive and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish, and exhibit the photos for an unlimited period for the purpose of marketing, commercial, and promotional activities in various media platforms, including Competition media, which includes Competition sponsor publications. All participants acknowledge and confirm that the photos they submit to the competition can be used for marketing, commercial, and promotional activities in various media platforms, including but not limited to print and social media, and can be reproduced in high resolution in unlimited quantities in exhibitions supported by sponsors directly related to the competition. Participants agree to participate in promotional activities related to the Competition and to allow their names and images to be used for advertising and promotional purposes related to the competition without requesting additional compensation in return. The Administrator has the right to use the photos in brand collaborations based on agreements made within the scope of the competition.

4.5 Participants guarantee that the photos are original and that they hold the rights to the photos, that the photos do not infringe the rights of any third party, that the photos do not present a misleading or deceptive impression, and that the information provided about the photos is accurate.

4.6 The Competition and the Administrator have the right to display the images of winners and participants on social media and official websites (in official profiles) to promote them.

4.7 The Competition and the Administrator's media partners do not accept any responsibility for the improper use of the images by third parties in violation of the law and fair practice and are not liable for this.

4.8 If deemed appropriate for the relevant needs, including marketing and communication activities within the scope of the Competition, the Administrator may provide a hotlink or web link to the copyright owner's copyright notice/photographs on the copyright owner's website. These links should be the same as those submitted during the application, and the responsibility for keeping them up to date lies with the applicant. The Administrator is not obliged to update this information.

4.9 Supplementary promotions, such as providing copyrighted materials for the production of promotional posters, brochures, and guides, are also accepted under this agreement.

4.10 Copyright owners grant permission to send copyrighted material (image files and captions) to the Administrator to facilitate the judging process.

4.11 The Administrator is not responsible for the public display of the work by third parties in public space without the permission of the copyright owner and without the credits of the copyright owner being mentioned.

5. Judging Process and Prizes

5.1 After the completion of applications, the first round involves pre-selection, which is carried out by a committee created by the Administrator. The Administrator is not obligated to disclose the composition of the committee. In the second round, an independent, competent, and objective jury evaluates the entries. Jury members are selected and appointed by the Administrator and are announced on the website and social media accounts. Jury members evaluate the entries that have passed the pre-selection in the second round, category by category. Category winners are selected based on the highest jury score. The Administrator reserves the right to add or make changes to the jury members announced during the competition at its discretion.

5.2 The participant with the highest jury score in each category is declared the category winner. Each category winner receives a $500 prize. In addition, the Category 1st receives the Competition Gold Badge, the 2nd receives the Silver Badge, and the 3rd receives the Bronze Badge. Badges are electronically delivered to the category winners by the Administrator.

5.3 At the end of the second round, regardless of the category, the participant with the highest jury score among all entries is declared the Photographer of the Year. The Photographer of the Year receives a $2,500 prize. Additionally, the Photographer of the Year is awarded the ‘Photographer of the Year’ badge. The badge is electronically delivered by the Administrator.

5.4 The Administrator reserves the right to disqualify photos for any reason during the competition. These reasons may include explicit or inappropriate images, ethical violations, intellectual property infringements, incorrect formats, and the participant's behavior related to the Competition, among other reasons.

5.5 The expenses for award payments made within Turkey are covered by the Competition/Administrator. In the case of payments to a foreign bank account, all expenses (taxes, withholding taxes, and other unforeseen additional expenses) are deducted before the award is sent.

5.6 Jury members are bound by a valid confidentiality agreement with the Competition and the Administrator during their collaboration. According to this agreement, it is forbidden to disclose information about any individual (including participants, sponsors, press, or media representatives).

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